Laufs, Rainer

- Die Pathogenität der neuen Hepatitisviren. - Der Mikrobiologe, Jg. 10, Heft 4, S. 127-131.
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- (SCHRÖTER, M, POLYWKA, S., ZÖLLNER, B., SCHÄFER, P., LAUFS, R., FEUCHT, H.-H.) Detection of TT virus DNA and GB Virus type C/Hepatitis G Virus RNA in serum and breast milk: Determination of mother to child-transmission. - J. Clin. Microbiol. 38, S. 745-747.
- (ELSNER, H.-A., SOBOTTKA, I., FEUCHT, H.-H., CLAUSSEN, M., KAULFERS, P.-M., LAUFS, R., MACK, D.) In vitro susceptibilities of enterococcal blood culture isolates from the Hamburg area to ten antibiotics. - Chemotherapy 46, S. 104-110.
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- (SCHRÖTER, M, POLYWKA, S., ZÖLLNER, B., SCHÄFER, P., LAUFS, R., FEUCHT, H.-H.) Detection of TT virus DNA and GB virus type C/hepatitis G virus RNA in serum and breast milk: Determination of mother to child-transmission. - J. Clin. Microbiol. 38, S. 745-747.
- (LAUFS, R., POLYWKA, S.) Risiko der Hepatitis-C-Übertragung durch Stillen. - Deutsches Ärzteblatt Jg. 97, Heft 38, S. 2462-2483.
- (SCHÄFER, P., TENSCHERT, W., CREMASCHI, L., SCHRÖTER, M., GUTENSOHN, K., LAUFS, R.) Cytomegalievirus cultured from different major leukocyte subpopulations: Association with clinical features in CMV immunoglobulin G-positive renal allograft recipients. - J. Med. Virol. 61, S. 488-496.
- (SCHÄFER, P., TENSCHERT, W., SCHRÖTER, M., GUTENSOHN, K., LAUFS, R.) False-positive results of plasma PCR for cytomegalovirus DNA due to delayed sample preparation. - J. Clin. Microbiol. 38, No.9, S. 3249-3253.
- (ZÖLLNER, B., STOEHR, A., PLETTENBERG, A., FEUCHT, H.-H., SSCHRÖTER, M., SCHÄFER, P., LAUFS, R.) In vivo dynamics and pathogenicity of wild-type and resistant Hepatitis B virus during long-term lamivudine monotherapy - a clinical note. - J. Clin. Virol.17, S. 183-188.
- (OEHLER, G., POLYWKA, S., FEUCHT, H.-H., SCHRÖTER, M., LAUFS, R.) Hepatitis C: Update 2000. - Med. Welt 51, S. 332-336.
- (POLYWKA, S., SCHRÖTER, M., FEUCHT, H.-H., LAUFS, R.) Die vertikale Übertragung des Hepatitis C-Virus - Geringes Übertragungsrisiko durch Muttermilch. - Med. Welt 51, S. 337-340.